Witout further adieu, from our Oscar-watching table to yours, the nominees for Best Picture are (ahem, were)...
1) True Grit. This was one I didn't see this year, but apparently a pivotal scene involved some chili made over a fire. Don't know if the cornbread we had with it (served in a cowboy hat, no less) was invloved or not, but it suuuure was delicious!
2) The Social Network. We have to give a huge shout out to our friend Mary Marantz for tweeting this idea! It was just too good to pass up :)
3) The Fighter. Okaaaay, so this one was a stretch. But who doesn't need an excuse for some Mac 'n Cheese?!
5) The Kids are Alright. I seriously apologize in advance for this one...
6) The King's Speech. Since we came up with this, I've been unintentionally spelling 'peach' as 'peech'. I did fix it for the sinage, but think I like peech better. It was tasty nonetheless.
7) 127 Hours. I also apologize in advance. I'll spare you the explanation, but if you've seen the movie, you'll understand.
8) Black Swan.
9) Toy Story 3. Almond 'Joy Story' bars!
10) Inception. Yes, we realize this cake only has 3 layers. Let's just say we were trying to confuse you just as much as the movie itself. Either that, or we counted the ganache as a layer... take your pick of excuses :)
Eat well!